vmware vsphere and symantec endpoint / webserver port conflict

got an customers w2k8 r2 mgmt machine with symantec endpoint and vmware vsphere. the problem: after installing the endpoint product under vmware vsphere the performance graphs for the vm’s don`t apear and the client crashes immediately(detail: the vmware webservice services crash and cannot restart successfully). cause: both software product got webservers on board, that means port conflicts. the solution: the machine got two nics; one nic for mgmt net, one nic for a production net. i changed in the vmware tomcat config the localhost definitions to the mgmt ip because i saw that the endpoint used the other interface automatically. now the tomcat services for the vsphere installation run on a different interface and there are no more conflicts with the two webserver instances… the better solution is not to install two products with different webservers on one machine – especially under a windows server.

ibm ds4700 / logical drive not on preferred path

a ibm ds4700 with four exp 810 units lost it`s preferred path setting for one controller /some logical drives. consequences : there were some machines with non-redundant paths connected to the san – these machines lost their mounted luns.(datastore for a mail machine, datastore for a fileserver with 14TB…) first i changed on the fibre channel switch fabric the zoneing to the healthy controller and remounted the drives to get the server systems back on production. after some research i seems to be clear that the solution is just only to map the logical drives back to the preferred controller/path … *sigh you can change the controller settings for the logical drives under production scenario. learned: do *all* fc/san connections redundant – don`t save money on your fibrechannel san design … 🙂

message on the storage manager / recovery guru : Logical Drive Not On Preferred Path

multiple vpn tunnels juniper <> openswan linux ipsec

a singel tunnel makes no problems at all. (see https://metrox.org/2011/02/24/openswan-ipsec-juniper-screenos-ipsec/) yesterday i spent hours to get multiple ipsec tunnels working for different subnets. (lan to lan) in a “route based vpn” setup there are some routing issues with different subnets … also with nhtb. after switching to a “policy based vpn” setup on juniper side it seems to work now. need to update some boxes to 6.3 : http://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=KB16008&actp=search&searchid=1273847680110

M$ sql server debugging

got errors backing up transaction logs of a ms sql server 2008:

Task ‘Datenbank sichern’ (COMDB01\XXXXX))
Datenbanken:yp: Transaktionsprotokoll
Vorhandene anfĂĽgen
Fehler:(-1073548784) Fehler beim AusfĂĽhren der Abfrage ‘BACKUP LOG [xxxxxxxx] TO  DISK = N’F:\\Backup\\BWP…’: ‘Die BACKUP LOG-Anweisung ist unzulässig, wenn das Wiederherstellungsmodell EINFACH verwendet wird. Verwenden Sie BACKUP DATABASE, oder ändern Sie das Wiederherstellungsmodell mithilfe von ALTER DATABASE.
BACKUP LOG wird fehlerbedingt beendet.’. Mögliche Ursachen sind folgende: Probleme bei der Abfrage, nicht richtig festgelegte ResultSet-Eigenschaft, nicht richtig festgelegte Parameter oder nicht richtig hergestellte Verbindung.

simple solution:

just change the “wiederherstellunsmodell” for the corresponding databases with the gui from simple to full, run a full backup, then the problem should be solved. you can do all online.