finally lsc 2.0 will go stable in september ! great !
just another blog …
finally lsc 2.0 will go stable in september ! great !
after the upgrade to jive sbs the conversion node doesn`t work anymore. solution was to alter a table on the database machine:
alter table jiveDVRevision alter column metadata type varchar(5000);
old > (3500)
playing with ruby on rails (ror) – web application development framework; all the structure behind it, looks very nice (mvc). it`s possible to build really fast and easy something like “website with database backend and some functions” what “traditional” is made by php,css,html,*sql and/or…. maybe ror is a topic for our next summer training in bodman – OH ! we got to plan this …
funny merchandise statement (ror – website):
“Ruby on Rails is astounding. Using it is like watching a kung-fu movie, where a dozen bad-ass frameworks prepare to beat up the little newcomer only to be handed their asses in a variety of imaginative ways.”
-Nathan Torkington, O’Reilly Program Chair for OSCON
working on a system to sync userdata from mysql to openldap *and* active directory. goal is to have synchronised systems (openldap/ad) and a webbased management – YEAH ! right now i`m playing with – thx to the lsc irc – channel !
got errors backing up transaction logs of a ms sql server 2008:
Task ‘Datenbank sichern’ (COMDB01\XXXXX))
Datenbanken:yp: Transaktionsprotokoll
Vorhandene anfügen
Fehler:(-1073548784) Fehler beim Ausführen der Abfrage ‘BACKUP LOG [xxxxxxxx] TO DISK = N’F:\\Backup\\BWP…’: ‘Die BACKUP LOG-Anweisung ist unzulässig, wenn das Wiederherstellungsmodell EINFACH verwendet wird. Verwenden Sie BACKUP DATABASE, oder ändern Sie das Wiederherstellungsmodell mithilfe von ALTER DATABASE.
BACKUP LOG wird fehlerbedingt beendet.’. Mögliche Ursachen sind folgende: Probleme bei der Abfrage, nicht richtig festgelegte ResultSet-Eigenschaft, nicht richtig festgelegte Parameter oder nicht richtig hergestellte Verbindung.
simple solution:
just change the “wiederherstellunsmodell” for the corresponding databases with the gui from simple to full, run a full backup, then the problem should be solved. you can do all online.