
actually i`m building a complete infrastructure from scratch; 3 * ibm 3650m3 => 2 * vmware esxi, 1 * debian stable as nfs storage, ghettoVCB to nfs, icinga monitoring for all devices, high security segmented network design, vlan trunken switching, ibm lto5 sas drive with baclua, postix/amavisd-new/postgrey/sa mta, exchange 2010 + 2k8 ad, svn / jenkins developing machine, juniper srx220h firewall and a mag2600 as vpn-ssl solution and some other stuff … day 7 …


monitoring vsphere 4.1 with icinga / pnp4nagios

the first time i build a icinga monitoring for a vsphere environment. before i configured only checks for esxi machines directly. love the module from some pics from pnp4nagios:

got the system running on a debian squeeze, all packages from the main,nonfree,controb repositories. pnp4nagios is backported. so all packages are covered with security updates and the normal apt super cow power !

ibm ds4700 / logical drive not on preferred path

a ibm ds4700 with four exp 810 units lost it`s preferred path setting for one controller /some logical drives. consequences : there were some machines with non-redundant paths connected to the san – these machines lost their mounted luns.(datastore for a mail machine, datastore for a fileserver with 14TB…) first i changed on the fibre channel switch fabric the zoneing to the healthy controller and remounted the drives to get the server systems back on production. after some research i seems to be clear that the solution is just only to map the logical drives back to the preferred controller/path … *sigh you can change the controller settings for the logical drives under production scenario. learned: do *all* fc/san connections redundant – don`t save money on your fibrechannel san design … šŸ™‚

message on the storage manager / recovery guru : Logical Drive Not On Preferred Path


building a large scaled monitoring system for a customer with icinga 1.4.0 + pnp4nagios 0.6 (bulk mode with npcd), db logging. it will monitor very different stuff …. from servers to network, from esx(i) to linux machines, from firewalls to printers … good to see that all the needed software comes from the debian stable repositories (non-free). once again debian FTW !