hello lion, hello ssd, hello quickness

after i mounted the new disk, removed the dvd drive, i build a lion usb install device and did a clean install on the ssd, switched the user directory on my old -now second- harddisk. now the boot time for the 10,5 mbp is about 25 sec. installed xcode with the app store + macports for my linux stuff. some small fixes to get vim working correctly (arrow keys, backspace/delete problems):

:set backspace=2
:set nocompatible

the system is much faster, though there is a sata2 bus and the ssd could do sata3 …



jailbreak for IOS 4.2.1 available

gp_mac_rc5_b4 untethered jb released on 03/02/2011  @ http://greenpois0n.com/

as usual i waited a few days before upgrading …

first i did the normal upgrade to 4.2.1 with itunes. after booting 4.2.1 the cydia stuff was gone, but the installed apps from installous were still there (the apps did not start). now the greenpois0n jb – needed a lot of tries; it works after starting the tool via console *confused. after reboot i could install cydia and the rest of needed software, the apps from installous are working now, itune sync works, openvpn works – all good ! thx to the jb guys